I had seeds of inspiration for my children’s story that swirled around in the back of my mind for years. I had little notes in the margins of journals. I had character sketches on crinkled grocery receipts. It wasn’t until I was at home with my second child; sleep deprived and day dreaming that the story flashed to “real” and took shape.
I contacted children’s authors, sought advice from colleagues, family and friends. I typed, retuned and researched and retyped. I submitted and submitted and submitted. After that many “no thank you’s” you’d think I might just give up. But, I’ll decide. I decided that the world needed my story. I decided that I would self-publish and make my dream of being a children’s book author come true.
After speaking to several companies, I found that Archway Publishing and their connection to Simon and Schuster was exactly what I was looking for. Archway Publishing would guide me each step of the way and for a reasonable price. What more could I ask for?
I have accomplished many things in my life–two bachelor degrees, one masters degree, numerous certificates, teacher, counsellor, wife, mother. I am so proud to add author to that list. One thing I’ve learned: if I have a goal, no matter what obstacles present themselves, I will find a way. I’ll decide.