Publishing, Uncategorized

I’ll Decide

From time to time, Archway Publishing turns over its blog to its authors, giving them the opportunity to share stories and perspectives about their individual self-publishing journeys. The following are the words of Tanya Elliott , author of “The Secret Blanket.”  For more about the author and her book, visit her Twitter and Instagram. Download the Archway Publishing free publishing guide for more information on our supported self-publishing services.
SKU-001030553No thank you. Thank you but no thank you. Not a good fit. Good luck but no. Not for us. No thank you. Looks wonderful but no.Self addressed brown envelope after self addressed brown envelope. Thin, sad business sized stationary filled with rejection. It did not feel good. It felt bad! It felt worse than sitting on a bench during a slow song at a Junior High Dance.

I had seeds of inspiration for my children’s story that swirled around in the back of my mind for years. I had little notes in the margins of journals. I had character sketches on crinkled grocery receipts. It wasn’t until I was at home with my second child; sleep deprived and day dreaming that the story flashed to “real” and took shape.

FullSizeRenderI contacted children’s authors, sought advice from colleagues, family and friends. I typed, retuned and researched and retyped. I submitted and submitted and submitted. After that many “no thank you’s” you’d think I might just give up. But, I’ll decide. I decided that the world needed my story. I decided that I would self-publish and make my dream of being a children’s book author come true.

After speaking to several companies, I found that Archway Publishing and their connection to Simon and Schuster was exactly what I was looking for. Archway Publishing would guide me each step of the way and for a reasonable price. What more could I ask for?

IMG_1823I have accomplished many things in my life–two bachelor degrees, one masters degree, numerous certificates, teacher, counsellor, wife, mother. I am so proud to add author to that list. One thing I’ve learned: if I have a goal, no matter what obstacles present themselves, I will find a way. I’ll decide.

Archway Publishing is always looking for content for its blog. If you’re an Archway Publishing author and would like to share an idea for a guest blog post, please tweet the Archway Publishing Twitter account @ArchwayPub and Like the Archway Publishing Facebook page. 

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