Publishing Expert Tips

Keith Ogorek: Tips for Working with a Ghostwriter

Let’s say you have an idea for the next great American novel. Or your life story would make a compelling read that the American public shouldn’t be deprived of any longer.

Let’s also say you can’t write a lick. Your participles perilously dangle. Your subject-verb agreement makes Congress look harmonious. And your grammar…well, it ain’t got nothing to brag about neither.dark typewriter

Does that mean that your story should remain in your head, away from adoring readers? Not necessarily. Employing a ghostwriter might be your best move. Ghostwriters help countless storytellers make their books reality every year. The only caveat, the services of these talented scribes don’t come cheap.

If you’ve decided to make the investment in a ghostwriter, it goes without saying that gaining an understanding of the best approach for working with one would be prudent. Keith Ogorek of the Indie Book Writers blog interviewed a professional ghostwriter recently and shared some pointers for making the most of these literary alliances. Below is a link to Ogorek’s May 2 post on this topic.

Keith Ogorek: “3 Helpful Tips on How to Work with a Ghostwriter” >>


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