Author Feature

Heaven’s Magic Bubble Machine

The following are the words of Teri Yuki, Archway Publishing author of “Heaven’s Magic Bubble Machine.” Download the Archway Publishing free publishing guide for more information on our supported self-publishing services. 

Writing About Difficult Topics

Like many aspiring authors, I had an idea I wanted to share with others. My desire was to help children who were grieving due to the death of a loved one. For obvious reasons, this is not an easy subject to write about, particularly to an audience of children.

As a young child, I lost my mother due to a tragic accident. Growing up I often thought I would like to find a way to comfort children who were missing a loved one who had passed away. Most importantly I wanted to find a way that offered a positive and constructive outlet that would lighten little hearts with joy and laughter.

For several years I jotted down ideas as they came to me and vowed that when I retired my first project would be writing my book. But how was I going to approach writing a book with an upbeat message about a subject as difficult as death? How was I going to bring a smile to a grieving child’s face?

As I pondered these questions, I kept asking myself what activities children enjoy. What brings on the lovely sounds of a child’s laughter? What do children around the world have in common?

At this point, I was getting stressed about not being able to identify this critical component of the storyline. Finally, I decided to stop worrying and let the Universe provide the answer when the time was right. I continued to work on the manuscript, character development and planning the style of illustrations that were going to bring my book to life. Then one day (while performing some mundane household task, washing dishes I think) the answer just popped into my head.


Of course! BUBBLES are magical! Children love BUBBLES! Dogs and cats and baby elephants in the zoo love BUBBLES! That day HEAVEN’S MAGIC BUBBLE MACHINE went from being a Dream to a foreseeable RealityThe Universe did not let me down.

Now it was time to start searching for a publishing company. After talking to several companies, I decided to go with Archway. From the initial consultation to each department that assisted me, everyone was helpful and patient. I am thrilled with the end result.

As for marketing funds, I have to pace myself and search for creative ideas that other Indy authors have used. Author Solutions has some wonderful marketing programs to choose from. Through Author Solutions, I have participated in a very successful book signing at the LA Book Fair and the Goodreads Giveaway Program. My next marketing goal is the new Amazon Advertising program.

All of us have a unique story to tell. When the time comes that you decide to share your story, let Archway Publishing help bring your dream to reality.

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